My longest challenge yet - I'm off to Napier to ride in the Napier-to-Wellington 50cc Scooter Charity Challenge for testicular cancer and community charity fundraiser... on my ex-Dominoes delivery Suzuki UZ50.
The Grand Annual Jolly Good Chaps Napier to Wellington 50cc Scooter Charity Challenge is a "somewhat torturous" charity event where participants ride a 50cc scooter over 320 KMs from the Furniture Clearance Co carpark in Napier to the Wellington CBD.
100% of the funds raised go to the chosen charities.
This year's charities are: 50% to Testicular Cancer New Zealand, and 50% to Jolly Good Chaps Charitable Trust (a local Hawkes Bay community charity).
Please support me by donating today.
The donation figures to the right are suggestions only; if you can only afford $5, or even $1, enter that amount in the box, sweet as. Every dollar counts :)
As always, please only donate what you can afford to donate.
And please also consider SHARING THIS PAGE - 100 $1 donations from people I might not even know certainly soon adds up.
Thank you greatly :) :)
Thank you to my Sponsors

Tales From Darkest Dunedin

The Carrs

Erik Nicholson

Tony Pepers
My left nut and I support this! He's the only one left after his buddy got consumed by the nasty bastard that is cancer.

Sam Huggard
Look forward to seeing you at the Wellington end, comrade

Jason And Helena
From us at autoworld hope you have a ball.

Francisco Hernandez

Steve King

Good on ya Mark. Safe travels xx

Norman Oakley

Russell Begley
May your backside forgive you!

Garth Tyrrell

Best of luck Baxter

Mark Muir

Stuart Reid
Go Mark go.

Trevor Rowell

Ka pai Mark!

Good on you, Baxter :)

Graeme Simpson

Good luck!

Good luck on the riding!

Your a ledgend mark good stuff. Bushman

Steve Walker
Good luck Mark 🏍



Cathie Taylor
Good luck & know you have a bed in chch if you need it.

Ted La Hood
Rah Rah🙃

Barry And Linda Lynch

Aaron Mcturk
Go you good thing! Best of luck for the ride

Carl S
Good on you Mark. Awesome effort.

Darilyn Uren-perry
Go Mark - you might need a bum cushion for this one!

Anon Anon
Here's $8 to beat the Vespa guy LOL

Fuck ball cancer!

Best of luck! Safe travels!
You're amazing, Mark! You've got this! -Gregor and Lolene