
Cold Kahuna 24


Testicular cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in New Zealand teens and young men, typically between the ages of 15 and 44 but can occur at any age. 

The good news is that testicular cancer is very treatable when caught early.

We are freezing our balls off riding to Ohakune on the annual 'Cold Kahuna' so get behind this madness, flick us a few coins, and let's grow awareness of this very stopable cancer. 

Oh, and check your balls!! Early detection saves lives.... #ridingforballs

My Updates

Freezing my balls

Wednesday 29th May

Coping with testicular cancer

A cancer diagnosis can be life-changing for the person directly involved and those who care about them. The changes in daily life can be difficult to handle. When a man learns that he has testicular cancer, it is natural to have many different and sometimes confusing emotions. At times, patients and family members may be frightened, angry or depressed. Their feelings may vary from hope to despair or from courage to fear. Some men will isolate themselves and will become angry when confronted. Patients are usually better able to handle these feelings if they talk about their illness and share their feelings with family members and friends, but they’ll need to do this on their own. Forcing them to talk will probably backfire.

Concerns about the future – as well as about medical tests and treatments, hospital stays, medical bills, and sexuality – are common. Talking with doctors, nurses, or other members of the health care team may help ease fear and confusion. Patients should ask questions about their disease and its treatment and take an active part in decisions about their medical care. Patients and family members often find it helpful to write down questions as they think of them to prepare for the next visit to the doctor. Taking notes during talks with the doctor can be a useful aid to memory. Patients should ask the doctor to repeat or explain anything that is not clear.

Most people want to know what kind of cancer they have, how it can be treated, and how successful the treatment is likely to be. A patient’s doctor is the best person to answer questions and give advice about working or other activities. If it is difficult to talk with the doctor about feelings and other very personal matters, patients may find it helpful to talk with others facing similar problems, or with an experienced professional who may be able to offer non-medical guidance, or comprehensive counselling support. Please check out the following services, available free of charge to men, or those around them, affected by a testicular cancer diagnosis. 


Options for fertility preservation may exist prior to and after cancer treatment, however it is very important that you talk to your specialist about fertility before you start your treatment – and if necessary be referred to a fertility specialist – to ensure you have the full picture. Many options for fertility preservation may be funded through the public health system. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Aidan Callaghan

Don't do it in shorts and freeze ya balls ballbag!




Glenn Fulcher


Daddy Dan

Chur da Bro!!!


Mark Caves


Jean Jean The Lounge Suite Queen

Don't freeze those balls off G