Utta Nuttas

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The Grand Annual Jolly Good Chaps Napier to Wellington 50cc Scooter Charity Challenge is a somewhat torturous charity event where participants ride a 50cc scooter from the Furniture Clearance Co carpark in Napier to the Wellington CBD.

It’s all about raising as much money as we can for local Hawkes Bay charities and yes 100% of the funds we raise go to our chosen charities.

Please support me by donating today. Every dollar counts!

Thank you to our Sponsors


The Surveying Company Hb Ltd

Don't fall off


Br Electrical


Paul Howe


Thirsty Whale




Barking Mad Landscapes

We’re Barking Mad about the Jolly Good Chaps Scooter Charity Run!!!


Mr Aerial Ltd


Mr Aerial Ltd


Kim & Rick Nichol

Good luck for the ride, we’ve got 3B cream if you need it!





Stinne Paskins

Have fun big boy


Biorich Barking Mad

On behalf of BioRich I wish myself and our other Utta Nuttas all the best! Thanks BioRich




James Mccorkindale

Go well Rob


Kieth Prism


Nick Wakefield


Gail & Lee Warren

Keep up the good work 👍




Mark Roberts



Richard Gearey


Physio Greenmeadows




Helen And John

Good luck Paul, enjoy the coffee breaks!


Allen Svendsen

have a good time


Kieran Mccorkindale


Reset Electrical


Jarrod, Emma And Kids


Nathan Pope


Sally Bone

Hehe. What a sight! Happy motoring


Warren And Kay

All the best


Blake & Meg


Neil And Ros

Good on ‘ya


Jpw Builders Ltd



Go lads, thanks for giving back to the Hawkes Bay community.


Stihl Shop Greenmeadows

Good Luck!! From the team at Stihl Shop Greenmeadows


Sandra And Russell



May there be more downhills than up, and may the wind be at your back!


Tim And Lynn Stapleton


Ryan Day

Go Brett


Ross Davey


Mark Purkiss


Jack Roberts




Sadie Perks


Rachael Clerke


Terre Spooner

All the best


Gaswise (mike)

backbone nuttas


Annie Perks

Good luck dad x


Kevin & Denise


Kirsten Cassells


Greenmeadows Service Centre

Awesome Stuff - Good Luck!



The WHO all day long


Steve Williams


Ray Harrison

Ride safe


Leisa Patrick


Will House



Good luck Paul!!!!


Kirstine Francis


Linda Mccully


Designa Sign


Leah & Jeff




Br Electrical


Sharon Elsworth

Hi hard Nutta, as you always do. May the wind be at your back :)


Dave & Michelle Seymour

Good luck


Michelle Start


Jennie Don Matthews


Greenleaf Nurseries Limited

Greenleaf Nurseries Limited All the best Chris


Jacquie Sutherland


Glenis Paulette


Caroline Kelly-lowe

We wish you all the best Chris as you "scoot" on down to Wellington tomorrow with your "Utta Nuttas" .What Jolly Good Chaps going on such an adventure ,raising money for a good cause.Maybe you're not so "Barking Mad" after all eh😊.Godspeed! His wind will be on your back & sunshine on your face


Brad Seymour

Good luck


A.d.grenside Ltd

Enjoy your weekend


Steve Macpherson


Dan Kit


Lisa And Gary


Christopher Marwick


Karen Cunningham

Go Steve Go


Fiona G